

Status: 20.02.2020, last updated: 18.10.2023

You can return all items purchased in the SAVE BRAVE online shop within 14 days from the day on which you or a third party designated by you (who is not the carrier) takes possession of the goods. Please contact our customer service by phone or email for a return label. You will be responsible for the cost of returning the goods if the value of the returned goods is less than 40 euros.


If you return items to us, we would be grateful if you would follow the following procedure:

Please always send the items back to us in their original packaging; this is to protect the goods from transport damage during return.

The delivered goods may only be used for the purpose of inspection - comparable to trying on goods in a store. If the goods deteriorate due to further use, we reserve the right to demand compensation.

Please keep the shipping receipt in case of any queries. We accept no liability for damage, loss or theft during transport .

Please fill out the enclosed delivery/return slip completely, enter the reason for your return and enclose the return slip.

Please send the items to the following address:

Schmuckzeit Europe GmbH
c/o B2C Return
Northern Ringstr. 6
91126 Schwabach

Please note that a return may take a few days to arrive by post and our returns department also needs time to process it.

Goods that have been manufactured according to customer specifications or are clearly tailored to the customer's personal needs (e.g. engraved items) are excluded from the right of withdrawal.


Your return will usually be processed within 14 working days of receipt. A refund is only possible if you cancel your order within the statutory period of 14 days.
Postage costs will not be refunded.

PayPal Refund
The refund will be made directly to your PayPal account. In your PayPal account you can specify whether the refunded amount should remain in your PayPal account or go back to your bank account.

Credit card refund
The refund will be credited directly to your credit card. Please note that in some cases the refund may not appear until your next credit card statement.

Klarna Refund
If you are returning goods that you paid for with Klarna, please log into your Klarna customer account and follow the instructions for returning goods. If you have any further questions, please contact Klarna directly.

Please understand that the processing of complaints / refurbishments / repairs may take some time